Braid Hills Builders, Edinburgh, EH10

We Cover All of Braid Hills and Surrounding Areas...

INSUREPAIR ®INSUREPAIR are a privately owned, established and accredited, All Trades company based in Morningside, Edinburgh.

A professional operation which thrives on its reputation and relationships with its clients. We employ Joiners, Plasterers, Plumbers, Painters and Decorator, Tilers and Kitchen & Bathroom Fitters.

Operating predominantly in East Central Scotland, we provide a robust and reliable service within two comprehensive but distinct markets; Insurance Repairs and Property Renovations.

Builders in Edinburgh, Builders in Braid Hills

Braid Hills Builders

Our Service Offering

Renovations, property repairs, insurance claim repairs, plumbing, joinery, carpentry, electrical, tiling, painting, floors... the list goes on.

Our word is our bond…

We guarantee all of our work for 24 months

INSUREPAIR ® are a professional operation which thrives on its reputation and relationships with its clients. Operating predominantly in Central Scotland, we provide a robust and reliable service within two comprehensive but distinct markets; Insurance Repairs and Property Renovations.

about us

The Braid Hills form an area towards the south-western edge of Edinburgh, Scotland.

The hills themselves are largely open space. Housing in the area is mostly confined to detached villas, and some large terraced houses. The Braid Hills Hotel sits above Pentland Terrace and Comiston Road, overlooking the park across the road.

Braid Hills

The area is well known for its golf course and its views of the city, and is a popular destination for families taking children sledging in the winter. There is also a riding stables and school, eastwards towards Liberton, which arranges pony trekking.

Nearby areas are Morningside to the north, Comiston to the west, and Liberton to the east.

The core of the name is shared with the Braid Burn and the nearby Hermitage of Braid woodland park.

Ensuring customer satisfaction…

We guarantee all of our work for 24 months

INSUREPAIR ® are a professional operation which thrives on its reputation and relationships with its clients. Operating predominantly in Central Scotland, we provide a robust and reliable service within two comprehensive but distinct markets; Insurance Repairs and Property Renovations.

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